Wednesday, March 25

The dentist

When i was a little girl, my dad and i always went to a dentist who had a picture of Escher hanging on his ceiling. (It's the first picture from the top.)
That way, you had somewhere to look at when he was doing his job with your teeth. :)
It still fascinates me..

Monday, March 23

It's happening

Yesterday i made a start with painting my bedroom. I planned to do the whole job but when i came back from the swimmingpool (for my weekly dose of energy) my arms felt so sore and limp i could only do 2 walls.
Here is one picture, so you can see what color i used. Nice? Have a happy week!

Saturday, March 14

Botanic prints

I'm a looking for a botanic poster like this. Anyone?


I'm feeling a little bit sad this weekend because co isn't here with me and i had to work for my job, because monday there will be some inspectors at school.
So i could't paint my bedroom....
But as you can see, i never sit still. I found those pictures at 'myhomeideas' and they are so similar with the ideas a had in my head for the bedroom....

Sunday, March 8

Its in my hands!

I bought the paint for my bedroom! Only i choose another color because the absinthe and lichen were very different when i saw them in real light. There was too much green in it... (i first watched the colors on my pc) So the exact color is now; Orage from Flamant. Its like on the picture above.. blue with a little green..Nice! I want to start next saterday with the first two walls.. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 5

Happy birthday mama

You are my rock, my shoulder.. Thanks for being there for me when i need it the most! Mama, i hope you will understand i couldn't buy you a real painting from Escha van den Bogerd, but i think this is also a nice gesture. Have a great birthday tomorrow!